Friday, June 28, 2019

(no) book?


Today i have to write about a book, but really i dont know what to do¡¡ =( i could not choose one, so i will write about the book "El patas de hilo", this is the book what actually reading Ines, my little sister (9 years old).
In the first time i could not stop laughing when she said that she had to read it, i did not believe his name, i thought that can be a bad book and made up due to the form modern about understimate the people, in this case would be the children with estrategies like as easy word, optimist histories and show a superficial world, that is to say look away, but really i impresioned when i heard

A friend

Heeello blogheads! well today im going to talk about Nicolas, a friend from highschool who i used to call "el chico". He was my best friend in highschool (the whole period), so, that means that we have been friends for more than seven years althought in the last years we havent spoken, but each time that we do, its like time hasnt passed. He is two years older than me, but since i met him, it ws a totally equaly relationship, like age didnt matter at all (imagine, when you are in first year of highschool and you are 15 it should matter i think ajjajaja) althought the first weeks we didnt spoke that much, the next months we got related more because of different games that we did in classes to kill the time. Always strategy games that could last decens of minutes and algo betting between us for who was the winner. So i think that we can call game and life partners, the 2 of us used to tell eachothers life, we were in line with our problems and supported like vrothers, even in some ocassions, making promises that nowadays i see then very far far away. I think that the best moments with him were in the way from highschool to the bus, in which we had to walk around 8 blocks that with my other friends (i went to a men highschool) used to have a really good time, specially in winter around 8 of the afternoon when we pass to buy sopaipillas and went to the bus eating them. Another activity that i did with Nicolas was to get into videogames, computer videogames; our summers was us playing different games, talking in skype all day and non stop laughing. Regrettably, we have lost all the talking opportunities, but i think he was a really important person for my development. He always gave me a melancholic view of things, somethimes cold but racional to the situations, thing that provocked in me the opportunity of having a better capacity of understanding of the situations, i think. Thank you for reading this fragments, and im sorry i couldnt write more but i got nostalgic, like all my other blogs, i maight tell you more in some time ajajajajajaj regards¡ =)

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Internet and me

Hi Bloggers! Today im going to talk about the technology! I think that technology is a very useful instrument to work nowadays, and even more in this career. But im not going to talk about a piece in specific because what i think is most interesting is the deepness of it and the concepts that are associated to it. Last semester i took a course in beaucheff called "Cómo nos cambia la tecnología" (how technology change us), and i learned about the concept of technology, like there is a part of it that is a "hard" and a "soft" part (hardware and software). The most interesting part of technology for me is the internet because of the discussion that creates around it, in one side we have the copyright and autor rights versus the free knoledge and the free access to it, like anyone can access to it nowadays. There is also the discussion about if the internet democratizes or if it is another particular technology, because it has a loooooooooot of information and theoretically so many people can access to it but we need a device to do so. Aaaand because of that the internet itself creates a new barrier like if you dont have a phone, you cant access anywhere. As a freak data: the internet doesnt flows in the air like many people thinks but travels in wires that goes across the ocean.


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

walking in the time

Hi blogheads!

Today i would like write about one of my favorites artists, his name is Jati Putra Pratama. He is a designer from Jakarta, Indonesia. i like this guy because he especialized in collage, be able warp space and time. His images has some details, precision and a atmosphere unique which results in lot of work and passion. if you ask me why I chose it is because he makes music for my eyes and it affects my whole body. I knew about Jati through learning from collage and then I  started to follow on instagram.
I would not like see to Putra in specific place, I prefer be all week with him and so try learn about he. if it is possible and someone say me i have choose a place, i think that chose NY or Tokio due to his culture and  massive perceptions. 
something interesting can be the posibility of work with him and do a fantastic image like imaginary. 
I think that age perfect for this maybe be between 28 and 30 years old, i would stay more than 5 years yet, this is because in that time i could learn more and too aprovech more this oportunity.
i wait that you enjoyed with this little big dream =) regards 

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The walk that i would like to do again

Hi bloggers

If you already read the title you will know about what i want to tell you today :).
Although in my short life i have gone to many places, i would like to name one in particular. This is El morado hanging glacier, in San Jose de Maipo, Santiago metropolitan region, between 2 and 2 and half hours from Santiago by car. I went twice in the year 2016, in my first year of the university with my class of workshop although we only had to go once...this say us some...
Well, the first time we had to go to "El morado", the students (incluid me) decided to leave one day early to camp and have fun, but the next day there was no señal because the place is too wild and far so which we could not contact the teachers for start the treeking =( we could only arrive in piedmont, but this moment was the best due i saw the storm between the mountains like a ancient greek sees the Olympus...try imagine you are among two mountains and you see one storm so close to hear it, smell it, feel it but so far to feel safe, exposed and insignificant. The other situations are not suficiently epics like this moment...i will try to upload a draw...

I hope you have enjoyed this blog, maybe later i will tell you what happened the night before and also the second trip, regards <3

favorite music album

Hi bloggers! This week it´s time to talk about my favorite music album, but im a little complicated with this topic because I don´t have th...